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Модуль урока по теме «Генетика. Genetics»
Дисциплина: «Биология»

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1) Запишите в рабочей тетради дату и тему урока. Write the date and subject of the lesson in the workbook.
2) Откройте с. 257 учебника Захаров В.Б., Мамонтов С.Г., Сонин Н.И. Общая биология. 10 класс: М.: Дрофа, 2007 и внимательно прочитайте текст.
3) В тетрадь коротко запишите конспект по плану:

1.      Заполните таблицу, используя учебник с.257, 279. Complete the table using the tutorial.

Основные понятия генетики. Basic concepts of genetics
Наследственность Heredity

Изменчивость Variability

Ген Gene

Признак Sign

Свойство Property

Генотип Genotype

Фенотип Phenotype

Аллельные гены Allelic genes

Гомозиготный организм Homozygous organism

Гетерозиготный организм Heterozygous organism

Расщепление Splitting

Доминирование Dominance

Законы Менделя. Laws of heredity
  1. From a pair of black rabbits, 8 black rabbits and 2 white rabbits were obtained. What are the genotypes of parents and little rabbits?
  2. The hornless gene (komolost) dominates the gene for the presence of horns. What result can be expected from crossing a heterozygous bull with heterozygous cows?
  3. In humans, the gene that causes one of the forms of hereditary deaf-mutism is recessive with respect to the gene of normal hearing: a) what is the probability of having sick children from a marriage of heterozygous parents? b) from the marriage of a deaf-mute woman with a normal man a deaf-mute child was born. Determine the genotype of the parents.
  4. Polydactyly (six fingers) and myopia are transmitted as dominant autosomal signs. What is the probability of having children without anomalies in the family, if both parents have both disadvantages, but are heterozygous in both respects?
  5. In humans, myopia dominates over normal vision, and brown eyes over blue. The only child of myopic brown-eyed parents has blue eyes and normal vision. Determine the genotypes of all three members of this family.
  6. A woman with curly hair, whose parents have wavy hair, married a man with wavy hair. They had a daughter with wavy hair. Set the genotypes of all persons listed in the problem. Can subsequent children in this family have another phenotypes? What kind?
  7. In the figured pumpkin, the white color of the fruit dominates over the yellow, and the discoid form dominates over the spherical. What will the F1 and F2 offspring look like when crossing a homozygous white spherical gourd with a homozygous yellow discoid?
  8. The woman has blood type III, and her children have I and IV. Set the blood type of the husband of this woman. Is it possible to expect in this family children with II and III blood groups?
  9. A woman homozygous for blood type II married a homozygous man with blood type III. What blood types are possible for the grandchildren of this couple if their only son marries a girl with I blood type?
  10. The dominant gene A causes the development of normal human eyeballs in humans. Gene a determines the almost complete absence of the eyeballs (anophthalmia). The combination of these two genes determines the development of small eyeballs - microphthalmia What structure of the eyeballs will inherit the offspring, if a man suffering from microphthalmia, married a woman with a normal structure of the eyeballs?
  11. The family had two children - a color blind girl and a color blind son. In this case, the mother of children distinguishes colors normally. What about the phenotype of the father and the genotype of both parents?
  12. In the lion's pharynx, the red color of the flowers partially dominates over white, so the hybrids have pink flowers. Narrow leaves dominate over wide ones. In hybrids, leaves have an intermediate width. Plants with red flowers and medium leaves are crossed with plants with pink flowers and medium leaves. What is the phenotype and genotype of hybrids from this crossing?
  13. The wheat germ DNA contains 15% nucleotides with thymine. Determine the content in% of nucleotides with adenine, guanine and cytosine in the DNA molecule. Explain the answer.
  14. In cats, short wool dominates the Angora. Shorthair cat, crossed with the Angora cat, brought 6 Shorthair and 2 Angora kittens. What is the genotype of the parents?
  15. Father and son are color blind, and mother distinguishes colors normally. Is it right to say that in this family the son inherited his lack of vision from his father? Confirm the answer by the decision.

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